It’s no secret that we have a large carbon footprint and that's precisely why we are doing our part to maintain a carbon neutral planet. Through a “White Badge” partnership with Terra Pass, we purchase carbon offsets for every single hour of flight time. Some say that more companies should join our efforts; we feel we are just doing what’s right.



Pathfinder Aviation has partnered with TerraPass to sponsor clean energy and carbon reduction projects that result in a verified, measurable reduction in carbon emissions.



We support our customers missions throughout the world, many of them, in the name of research. We know our helicopters are a valuable resource and are committed to continuing to operate responsibly. We also understand the implications of a changing planet. This is why we're committed to supporting the efforts being made to reduce carbon emissions. 

How it works

Through our partnership with Terra Pass, we buy carbon offsets for every hour we fly. These offsets are used to fund the reduction of carbon emissions in other areas in the form of renewable energy and methane capture. 



Wind Power, Landfill Gas Capture, Farm Power and Water Restoration are just a few of the projects that Terra Pass funds. By supporting Terra Pass, Pathfinder is directly contributing to ensuring that our planet remains as beautiful and resourceful as possible.